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Focused in Fuxing

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

7 months into 2020 and it’s safe to say that this year has turned out to be quite an unexpected year for most of us. Such changes going on in the world have led me to reflect on my habits and outlook on life, most of all it’s given me time to refocus on the things that are important to me. With the theme of this blogpost being “focus”, I thought I’d bring you to Taipei’s important centerpoint station, Zhongxiao Fuxing and share with you some styling tips and meaningful quotes in hopes to inspire both looks and thoughts. Let’s go!

Everyone that visits Taiwan in the summer knows about it’s intense heat, but people also forget to mention the sticky wet rainy season here. Having lived in Taipei for over a year now, I am well aware how important it is to be prepared for a heavy dose of rainfall at any time of the day. That’s why I've been obsessing over this oversized waterproof coat. The red plaid puts a trendy twist to your typical raincoat, while the shimmery effect of the plastic gleams beautifully in the light.

As someone who is a strong advocate for color coordination, it was obvious that I had to bring out my statement red shades, and pair it with my trusty bucket hat and high platform sneakers. Not only do these accessories complete the look, each item is also very practical in itself.

Once again, my denim and denim signature style makes its reappearance. From jacket to jeans all the way down to my bumbag, it’s evident that I have a strong love for this material. It’s just so versatile and I never get tired of it!

To end off this post, I wanted to leave you with some quotes that have helped and inspired me during these unpredictable times, perhaps they may spark something in you too.

"Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of chaos, and sometimes in the middle of chaos, you find yourself." — Boonaa Mohammed

"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment."Oprah Winfrey

And last but not least:

“Live a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.”

^ This book has been my bible for 2020. There are so many quotes and ideas in this book that have changed my mindset in the way I deal with myself and my thoughts. The theme of working and becoming friends with fear has particularly helped me get closer to my creativity roots. Highly recommend the audiobook version for anyone who is looking for more inspiration!

Stay safe and healthy x

With love,

Agathe xx

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